HRRG stands for Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group. We’re proud to say we’ve been in the collections business since 1996. We are members of ACA International, the Florida Collectors Association and the California Association of Collectors. Delivering excellent customer service and responding to your questions with reliable, informative answers is what we do every day.
Our aim is to establish a dialogue with our customers making it easy for you to understand your account balance. We realize however, that many of you prefer self-service rather than speaking with a customer service representative. Through our website, you have 24 hour access to a convenient, safe, and secure place where you can get answers, and resolve your outstanding balance.
Our training and audit processes have been developed to help us maintain compliance with applicable laws, and to meet customer expectations.
You will feel secure in knowing that our payment options are 100% PCI compliant. Payments are interfaced to our client billing system every night, meaning there is no delay in updating your balance. Payments are posted to your account through electronic interfaces, and reconciled every day.
We have updated our website to make it easier for you to:
- View or update your account information.
- Find your current balance.
- Make a payment.
- Provide your email address.